Ivan Vasilev

Note taking

After the usability test has been conducted and recorded it should be watched and notes should be taken. Users are asked about their travel experience and what they are usually do while booking a flight online. They are also asked about their last trip and which were their main problems and the communication channels they used. Afterwards they perform a test with particular goal to book […]

Online survey

Second major thing in the user research process is the so called Online survey. I used “survey monkey” because it is free and provides a good set of tools to create, collect and analyse surveys. With six usual questions I tried to save people’s time and in the same time to take the most of the date they have provided. Design survey 1. When was the […]

Competitive benchmark

To pick 4 top of the line airline websites/ mobile apps and benchmark them is an easy task to do 🇧🇬 Objectives Learn how best-in-class websites and apps solve the problem we are trying to solve Understand the conventions we should follow Highlight best practice that we should emulate and 1. Lufthansa Landing page Wysiwyg – what you see is what you get. This is the […]

Грешки тип 1 и 2 при A/B тестване

Реших да разгледам една доста интересна тема, а именно Error Type 1 and 2 в A/B testing. По подразбиране в статистическото хипотезно тестване нито един тест не е 100% точен: това е защото се разчита на вероятности в експеримента. Когато онлайн маркетолози и учени тестват хипотеза, и двете групи търсят статистически релевантни резултати. Достигнатите резултати трябва да бъдат в рамките на статистическата грешка : обикновено 95%. […]

Христо Ботев – На прощаване

… Дружина тръгва, отива,пътят е страшен, но славен:аз може млад да загина…Но… стига ми тая награда –да каже нявга народът:умря сиромах за правда,за правда и за свобода… НА ПРОЩАВАНЕ В 1868 Г. Награда или още по-силна болка, правда или още по-истинска лъжа, свобода или най-строго охранявания затвор за душата? Все въпроси, за които се питам, чудя се и се мая. И Ботев се е питал преди […]

13 things about the autonomous cars

Two weeks ago we were witness of the Autonomous day by Tesla. It was kind of futuristic introduction of the new time. 4 hours long deeply technical presentation dove deep into the future of the way we commute. Here are 13 things, that I think worth mentioning for the self driving cars: In the beginning of 2016 there was no chip dedicated exclusively to self driving […]

Buying an apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria – Part 4

Part 4 – AfterBuy If you already you read in the last part of the it is very hard task to buy the perfect apartment in Sofia if not nearly impossible. “Easy to say, hard to Do” Accordingly to what you bought the so called AfterBuy process can vary alot: Not build yet “Act 16”, so we call the document that determines, if the building is ready […]

Buying an apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria – Part 2

Part 2 – THE SEARCH We have the intention, we have the initial capital. So let’s find that flat 🙂 ! “Leicht gesagt” are saying the germans, but in Bulgaria, especially in Sofia the thing are not so easy. The most common internet portal is imot.bg (only Bulgarian version, do not even try to find english one 🙁 ) with its thousands of offers you may […]

Buying an apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria – Part 1

Part 1 – THE IDEA You don’t want to pay rent anymore. You have enough money or good job to finance a new home for you and your family if there is one. You live in Sofia or somewhere in Bulgaria. I can share some knowledge about the whole process, because I went all the way from searching to actually owning a property in Sofia. So let’s […]