Ivan Vasilev

Customer journey map

For the project FlyUX I did a lot of research. After this I summarised and categorised the findings. Then I grouped the issues using a method called affinity diagram. Now I can proceed to the next step and map out the customer journey.

Why mapping the journey?

In order to better understand, where are the pain points in the process we are designing for and what the user does, thinks and feels during different stages while using our product, we need to dig out all relevant data from the research phase and order it chronologically.

I will divide the process into two main phases: Considering a trip and buying a flight ticket online. And this is the first draft:

First version – part 1
First – part 2

In the first phase the user is starting to generate ideas and wishes for a long distance trip. She is excited, positive and impatient. Maybe this is a long planned vacation which she is dreaming for for entire year. Main thing – the moment is there and the search for best options to fly must begin.

At this point if the trip is regular (each year, same destination) and the user prefers to fly with one and the same airline – a pattern can be recognised and FlyUX can take advantage of this – send an e-mail a month earlier to remind the user if she purchase the tickets now they will be cheaper.

If the user respond to this e-mail – of course she has to be led directly to the page with the results and not entering again origin and destination. After this she must be encouraged to log in / create a profile. Here comes the gamification method in play. A lot of things can be done in order to simplify and boost the process.

After analysing all the data I translated it into a digital format using AdobeXD. Here is the final Customer User Journey Map:

Customer User Journey Map
Customer User Journey Map FlyUX

With the completion of this step I can proceed to the next step of the process which is called a flow diagram.

Category: User Experience (UX), User goals

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